Equine Dental Vets

Equine Metabolic Disease

Do you have an ‘easy keeper’, one of those horses or ponies that seem to gain weight on the smell of a tuft of grass? Does your horse or pony suffer from repeated bouts of laminitis even though you try hard to prevent them? Your horse or pony could be suffering from one of two Equine Metabolic Diseases: Equine Metabolic Syndrome (EMS) or Equine Cushing’s Disease (PPID). Equine Dental Vet Dr Kath Mitchell explains...

Equine Metabolic Disease

Equine Metabolic Disease

Do you have an ‘easy keeper’, one of those horses or ponies that seem to gain weight on the smell of a tuft of grass? Does your horse or pony suffer from repeated bouts of laminitis even though you try hard to prevent them? Your horse or pony could be suffering from one of two Equine Metabolic Diseases: Equine Metabolic Syndrome (EMS) or Equine Cushing’s Disease (PPID). Equine Dental Vet Dr Kath Mitchell explains...

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